More babies are born in the month of September than in any other month.
Leaf-cutter ants can build anthills 16 feet deep and an acre square.
Fort Worth, Texas, was never a fort.
The two most dangerous jobs in the U.S. are commercial fishing and logging.
There are more telephones in Washington D.C. than there are people.
If you tried to count off a billion seconds, it would take you 31.7 years.
The typewriter was invented before the fountain pen.
Women have a keener sense of smell than men.
Many smells are heavier than air and can only be smelled at ground level.
You smell better if you take several short sniffs, rather than one long one.
Ketchup was once sold as medicine.
Only about 5% of people dream in color.
The average cow produces 70,000 glasses of milk in her lifetime.
Toto was paid $125.00 per week for his work on The Wizard of Oz.
The human body has about 60,000 miles of blood vessels.
If you lined up all of the Slinkys ever made in a row, they would wrap around the world 126 times.
The average American man laughs 69 times a day, while the average woman only laughs 55 times.
An Academy Award Oscar statuette costs about $300.00 in parts and labor.
Neither rabbits nor horses can vomit.
A hibernating bear can go as long as 6 months without a bathroom break.
A panicking turkey whistles.
At last count, Minnesota had 99 lakes named Mud Lake.
Neptunes summer is 40 years long.
In Antarctica, sunsets can be green.
Put 23 people in a room, and theres a 50% chance two will share a birthday.
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